Two Farad Capacitor with Digital Voltage Display

Boss 2.0 Farad Capacitor Digital Cap
Boss 2.0 Farad Capacitor Digital Cap
Item# Cap25c

Product Description:

Capacitors are used in car audio systems that require additional power on an instantaneous basis. This occurs when heavy bass notes hit in the recorded material. During these bass notes, the current demand on the system is increased and can cause voltage drops. Capacitors act as a power reservoir, supplying added power to keep your system playing strong.

Two Farad Stiffening Capacitor
[ 2.0 Digital Cap ]

  • Digital Voltage Display
  • 20 volts DC/24 volt surge
  • Handles 2,000 watts
  • Gold plated terminals
  • Includes 4ga Ring Connecting Terminals
  • Includes mounting brackets